Each year, the Festival kicks off with the sights and sounds of Carnival during our Parade In The Park! Enjoy the spectacle of a multitude of costumed revellers cavorting to hot music. The Caribbean Days Parade is truly a magnificent way to appreciate Caribbean culture, music and style.

  • DATE:  Saturday July 26, 2025

Join The Parade

Entry Form, Rules & Regulations for the Parade In The Park

Individuals are invited to participate and showcase your culture! There will be no honorarium. Cost to participate is free.

To enter your multicultural group in the parade, the registration form below must be completed and returned to the Trinidad and Tobago Cultural Society of BC . Approved applicants will be notified by email within two weeks of receipt of the application.

  • DATE:  Saturday July 26, 2025
  • PARTICIPANT MEETING TIME/LOCATION: 10:15 AM at gravel parking lot along Pipeline Road
  • The TTCSBC reserves the right to refuse or deny any applicant from participating in the Parade In The Park for non-compliance with the parade rules and regulations.
  • The Caribbean Days Festival committee’s decision regarding all applications is final.

Children’s Parade

Our Children’s Carnival Parade is now part of the main Parade in the Park. See above for time and date.

The children revelers make their way in front of the main stage parading their costume creativity. All participants are to assemble as indicated above, and a volunteer will direct the participants accordingly. 

  • Cost: Free Admission!
  • Programme: Kids dress up in Carnival costumes and “play Mas”!

After the Parade, be sure to drop-in at the Kid Zone activity tent either Saturday or Sunday to get creative ideas and help making your “kiddies” carnival costumes for next year!

Printed Application

To apply using classic printed forms, download the following documents. Submit the Application and Waiver forms by the deadline.

Send materials/enquiries by email or mail to:

Parade Coordinator
Trinidad & Tobago Cultural Society of British Columbia

Suite 635
4974 Kingsway Avenue
Burnaby, BC V5H 4M9

Phone: (604) 515-2400
E-Mail: ac.syadnaebbiracobfsctd@edarap

Online Application

Individuals are invited to participate and showcase your culture! There will be no honorarium. Cost to participate is free.
An application fee of $150 will be charged for all commercial / corporate entries.

Contact Name(Required)
Please check all that applies: Minimum of ten (10) participants required for each application

I hereby enter the above event at my own risk and agree to comply with the Parade Rules and Regulations as outlined in Appendix A. I further agree that if any charges be occasioned, or loss or damage occurs from cause of vehicle, article or person that I may enter, that I will make no claim against the Trinidad & Tobago Cultural Society of BC, committee members and other persons associated with the Caribbean Days Festival Parade.
I hereby further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Trinidad & Tobago Cultural Society of BC, Board members, committee members and other persons associated with the Caribbean Days Festival Parade against legal proceedings for any personal injury or property damage arising, occasioned by or caused by any employee, representative or entry.

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